Soren Iishi

Soren Iishi
AffiliationTerran Hegemony[1]

Soren Iishi was a Supervising Engineer for General Mechanics, Inc.[1]


Soren Iishi was tasked with securing the Hegemony Armed Forces contract for a "highly mobile fast reconnaissance BattleMech" to not only provide as-yet unrealized mobility with BattleMechs, but to compete with the rumored Lyran design. He recruited a team of engineers which he dubbed "The Hive" and they set about trying to achieve a truly lofty goal, a flying ’Mech. The goal of a Land-Air ’Mech was still two centuries out of reach, but The Hive was successful in creating not only the prototype Jump Jet, but pairing it with the first jump-capable ’Mech, the prototype WSP-1X Wasp in 2464. The Hive continued to refine the technology, introducing the production Jump Jet and the WSP-1A in 2471[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Experimental Technical Readout: Primitives, Volume 2, p. 3
  2. Interstellar Operations: Alternate Eras, p. 29: "Advanced ’Mech/ProtoMech/Vehicular Motive Systems"
