Marsden Coup

Marsden Coup
Conflict details
Start Date 17 August 2375[1]
End Date 2378[2]
Attacking Forces
Affiliation Lyran Commonwealth
Defending Forces
Affiliation Skye Independence Army[3]
Other Forces

In August 2375 Robert Marsden, leader of the Protectorate of Donegal, announced claims of double-dealings by co-op leaders, Kevin Tamar of the Tamar Pact and Thomas McQuiston of the Federation of Skye, claiming sole leadership of the new Lyran Commonwealth for himself. This announcement sparked many riots across many of the settled worlds. On Skye a militant faction calling itself the Skye Independence Army battled Loyalist Militia aligned to Marsden.[citation needed]

In one engagement in New Glasgow City, Loyalist Marsden Infantry were first pinned down and then pushed back by rebel Skye Independence Army Armored Vehicles. Armed with anti-armor rockets, the Marsden Infantry put up a hail of missile fire from alternate ranks, one rank firing off their projectiles, then falling back, as another line of rocketeers waited for the previous line to clear their line of fire. The Loyalist troops were pushed back to the outskirts of the city and if not for the timely arrival of Loyalist VTOLs the rebels would have taken city.[citation needed]

On 23 September 2375 on nearby Skondia a rebel faction called Skye First! heard of the Skye Independence Army's uprising. They immediately activated themselves; breaking open weapons caches. Amongst the free-for-all of riots, this organized group advanced on Platinum City. The Marsden-loyal Skondia Militia recognized this approaching group as more than just a rioting rabble. One Militia Lieutenant took charge of his section and organized his troops for combat. The rebels attempeted to create panic among the defendersa with a massed charge while yelling and firing their weapons. With civilian rioters behind them and `Skye First!' rebels charging their front, the Militia Lieutenant moved quickly among his troopers, shouting encouragement, trying to keep morale and discipline high as he added in his own assault rifle's firepower. The rebels charged the defenders' lines and were relentlessly cut down by heavy machine-gun, mortar and rifle fire. The rebels quickly retreated instantly realizing their folly. The rebels tried a second time later that evening, backed up by their only heavy weapon, a light artillery cannon. The artillery crew, former Loyalist Militiamen, knew well the defensive locations of Platinum City, and easily zeroed in on the militia positions. The chaos of incoming artillery combined with careless rioters and charging rebels firing indiscriminately broke the Loyalists' resolve and the broke and ran. A Skondia Militia scout VTOL came upon the rebel artillery by chance, immediately relaying its location. A few hardy militia troopers moved out, catching the artillery crew by surprise and silenced the cannon. The Militia rallied, confronted the rebels and destroyed them.[citation needed]

In December 2375 Robert Marsden was formerly declared first Archon.[citation needed]


  1. Handbook: House Steiner, p. 16
  2. House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth), p. 11: "Marsden in Power"
  3. House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth), p. 11: "Air Rescue"
